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Monday, 6 December 2010

Mancat Monday - Box Defence

One of the most important skills to have as Mancat about the house is box defence. This applies to multi-cat households more so then those lone cats among us, but it always pays to be defensive when it comes to boxes.

Attacks can come from anywhere! First you have to make sure that your box is properly defended from attacks from the left.

Next you have to check for attacks coming from the right!

Of course one should never underestimate the level of attacks on one's box and should always be aware of aerial attacks.

These are all the steps you'll need to have a safe and happy box.

Charlie O'Marley x


  1. Fanks for the advice. We will acshun it straight away!

  2. We appreciate the box defense tricks, Charlie! Christmas time means lots of boxes to defend!

  3. Thanks for the box advice. I'm gonna post this on the side of the file cabinet so I can refer to it from time to time.

    pawhugs, Max

  4. I stumbled across your blog and loved it. Signed up to be your latest follower and am looking forward to reading more. By the way, the cat photos are terrific.
    Carol from

  5. Good advice Charlie and don't forget those sneak attacks from the rear.

  6. Excellent box advice! And you're right, attacks can come from anywhere. Even from...gasp!...our humans, who might try to take our box away! :-O

  7. Charlie, it looks like you have all your bases covered.

  8. Hi Charlie! Thanks for the advice! We have had quite a few sneaky box attacks lately so it is good for us to remember that we need to be on alert!

  9. We took notes and will begin practicing good box defense Right Away! As soon as Mommy gives us a box, that is.

  10. Charlie, you are doing such a good job at defending your box that I don't see any other kitties even coming near you!

  11. With Ichiro around I am always aware of aerial attacks...

  12. Sounds like good advise to us. You look pretty nanly sitting in that box.

  13. Mom says that kholour is SO woo!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Shen!

  14. You are one guard for sure! Nothing will ever be able to sneak up on you.

  15. Oh yes, we are well aquainted with box defense! Major whapping can ensue depending upon the level of comradery of the attacker and the attackee. Then again sometimes, two cats fit in a box nicely.
    You just gave me an idea for a blog post!!
    ~Lisa Co9T

  16. Excellent advice! We don't have to worry about that around here as Scarlett is not interested in boxes, though.

  17. We needed that advice when we were snoopervising all the boxes yesterday!!

  18. With Christmas coming we must brush up on our box defending skills!

  19. Are you sure you will not be attached from behind?

  20. Good thinking Charlie!!! There are daily sneak attacks happening at my house so the boys think this is very useful information :-)

  21. Looks like your rear is exposed. Might want to move the box up against the wall. Never know when there will be an assault from the back.


  22. What a cutie! It always amazes me that cats seem to find the smallest box possible to squeeze into. Charlie fits standing up, but he's be hard pressed to lie down there.


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