Lookie! Yesterday a package arrived in the mail for us. Of course that was after The Mum had already done our Monday post, so we have had to wait until today to tell you all about it! Anyone know of any beans looking for employment? Must be able to type and use a can opener, no benefits or pay. Anyway, enough of that. We won a Giveaway on our new friends, Miss Bella and Sele over at
The Year Of The Cats Blog. Miss Bella and Sele are magical cats, their human is a real live witch! Not one of those scary broomstick riding ones, we hasten to add. You should stop by and say Hi.
We opened the package (with some help from The Mum, we must try harder at growing those thumbs) and there was this beautiful bag inside, Don't those beeads look irresistably whappable?
Inside the beautiful bag was an equally beautiful print with Hecate's Pet Blessing, a spell that helps protect us furries and not so furries from harm, and there was an envelope addressed: To Our Paw Relations Friends. That's us!
Look at the wonderful kitty card!
To all out new friends, may you always be blessed with good health, happiness and lots of catnip. Purrs, Miss Bella and Sele from The Year of the Cats Blog.
Thank you Miss Bella and Sele for your wonderful gifts, we love them! Wishing you health and happiness and of course lots of catnip!
Thomas O'Toole, Charlie O'Marley and Lola Fannola x