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Sunday, 3 October 2010

Suspicious Sunday - Whodunnit?

On Friday Amybean (Toddlerbean) brought home a visitor. Tommy Bear the Nursery School's travelling bear. He gets to stay with us for the weekend before writing down his adventures in his little diary and returning to school on Monday.

Only, someone left Tommy Bear's bag and assorted accessories where some cat could throw up all over it.

We're not ones for naming names, but whoever that cat was, you've got to admire their style. They managed to avoid all easily cleanable, washable surfaces and contained the fall out to the entire length of the bag. Not a splatter of spew was misplaced.

We can tell that The Mum was suitably impressed by the amount of noise she made when discovering the Masterpiece in Multicoloured Cat Crunchie Vomit. We're thinking of entering it in for the coveted Turner Prize. But until then, we're all lying low.

Thomas O'Toole, Charlie O'Marley and Lola Fannola x


  1. Wow, fantastic job, you guys! I couldn't have done it better myself.

  2. Oh nooos, that does sound really gross. Our Assistant would have said many loud norty words too. Hope it was cleanable.

  3. It sounds like a shoo-in for the Turner Prize.

    By the way, it took us quite some time to find your post, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down on the page. We got all kinds of other things but bank pink pages, until we scrolled and scrolled and scrolled.

  4. That's definitely a journal entry that hasn't been done before. Way to go!

  5. Hahahaha! Good job, guys!! If you don't win the Turner Prize, you should win something!

  6. Excellent job! We're pretty sure you can all blame it on "Not Me".

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  7. OMC! Sounds like a masterpiece, let us know if you win! Meow.

  8. Mol - Excellent! sorry to the beans but we must laugh! Great mug shot :)

    -Pip, Smidgen, Minnie

  9. Khats!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Shen! Nice new look fur the month!

  10. You did a wonderful job! Whoever did it! We hope Tommy Bear was rescued!

  11. Hilarious!!!

    I never understood why my cats always managed to vomit on whatever surface was the most difficult to I learn that I'm not alone and it is probably some kind of international cat secret that is passed on at birth from mother to kitten :-)

    PS - I just love your pink background!

  12. We're willing to bet that our mombean would have been equally 'suitably impressed' by your fine work. Good one.

    Mindy, Moe, BonBon, Cookie & Mike

  13. Oh yes! You should win the Turner Prize! This sounds like a winner!

    My mom is snickering right now... thinking about the Nursery School teacher... what will they say?

  14. Love the mug shot! Your poor humans! Cat puke is the most awful thing to clean up. Have to admit, you've got great technique, though.

  15. he he--Only cats can make vomit a work of art. I can just see it. Mine isn't usually that colorful..

  16. WOO HOO! That's excellent. And lying low is probably a good plan too...

  17. Jackson Pollock would be proud! As are we. A spew like that is SO hard to orchestrate and deliver.

    Well done!

    Pee Ess: We don't have fleas in the's too dry for them to survive!

  18. Oh dear, you are gonna have to do some good to correct that mess!!!!

  19. Why vomit on something that can be cleaned easily when you can leave you mark on something and make a permanent statement!

    Your pal, Pip

  20. Oh noes--a cat-astrophe! One of us threw up on our Teri's camera dock and it was deaded after that--none of us fessed up, either (and she found one on eBay for $15 so she wasn't too mad after that...


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