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Saturday, 6 November 2010

Saturday Stand Off

Yesterday morning mum heard a lot of cat shouting and swearing going on in the backyard. She thought, 'oh no, Charlie's smackypawing his sister about again.' As if I would! Picture of innocence me. When she opened the blind this was the scene that confronted her.

Yes that's me at the bottom of the fence and that's Fat Pat the Introoder at the top of the fence.

(The Mum apologises for the quality of the photograph, but it was taken through a window that very clearly needs a wash).

I can tell you I was giving him a right tongue lashing for daring to soil my fence with his stinkiness. Of course I didn't climb up the fence to tell him that to his face, he's bigger then me and I'm not that stupid. We stayed like that for a while before Shen came out to investigate all the noise and Fat Pat scarpered. Wimp!

Charlie O'Marley x


  1. Fat Pat wouldn't have dared come down off the fence! I bet you told him off good!

  2. Fat Pat has his nerve! Who does he think he is, anyway? I'm glad you put him in his place.

    Have a good weekend!


  3. Sometimes those big cats are just bullies who are really chicken of a true alpha kitteh.


  4. It's a good thing you were on the job defending your property!

  5. Guess you told Fat Pat who's yard it is!! Good job defending your territory!

  6. Way to be on the job defending your territory!

  7. Good boy Charlie for telling that Fat Pat introoooder to take a hike. You sure do have the neighborhood under control Take care and be careful.

  8. Good job, Charlie. We would not have climbed up to yell at him, either!

  9. Good job, Charlie! You give that introoder Fat Pat what for!

    -Pip, Smidgen, Minnie

  10. Norty Fat Pat! We can send Tiny Johnson over to sort him out if you'de like...he's 20 pounds and loves a good rumble.

  11. It's important to let intruders know when they are not wanted.

  12. Intruder alert for sure ...

  13. It was like a skhwirrel / me showdown!

    Thanks fur sharing that image!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Shen!

  14. You tell that Fat Pat the Introoder off good! That is a great picture! We thinks you were smart not to climb the fence!

  15. Good job Charlie! Thanks for coming to our party for Snowball - we had a blast.

  16. Great work of keeping Fat Pat out of your yard!


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