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Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Somewhat Wordy Wednesday - Ducks And Geese Have Teeths!

If you don't believe us, just take a look at this picture! You may need to bigify it first.

See! What did we tell you? Razor sharp teeths!

Thomas O'Toole, Charlie O'Marley and Lola Fannola x


  1. Thanks for info, if I see one of them..i will watch out !!!

  2. Good thing we don't have many ducks and geese in our yard!

  3. Woof! Woof! Mmmm interesting. happy Wordless Wednesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. I had no idea they had teeth!
    I can see them in the picture!

  5. OUCH!!

    I never knew this!

    Thanks for the warning!

    Love, Cody

  6. Have you ever seen a dog chase geese? I saw one get pecked silly at a restaurant last year. The resident dog was running around the pond for about two minutes before he came flying back with geese on his heels. Bet he felt those teeth! :)

  7. Well, of course they have toofies! How do you think they grab and crush snails to eat. Frankly, snails to eat sounds gross but those guys yikes them!

  8. OMC! How scary!

    Milo xx

    Hi Lola, I've savd a warm cosy spot on the bed just for yoo! C'mon over!
    Love Alfie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  9. Mom says they hurt when they bite, too!

  10. piffle! the picture on our screen won't biggify, so we can't tell. we stay away from birdies that are bigger on us, just on principle!

  11. Meowza!!!!!!!! Makes us happy that we don't have any of them in our back yard!!!!!!!!!!!

    We luvs y'all bunches

  12. Who knew? Glad you told us about those teeth!

  13. Those bad geese and ducks will chase you too before they use their teeth on you. But they are very loyal pets I think. Take care and have a great day.

  14. Khome on!

    Where's your sense of adventure?

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Shen!

  15. Ouch! that ducky will probably not tolerate any teasing or provoking!
    We will back away quietly

    bonks and bonk for this valuable information!

  16. And those geese are very scary when they stick out their neck and tongues and run at you & hiss!!!!!

  17. aaaiiieeeeeee! We think we'll stick to chittering at pigeons. It's safer that way!

  18. OOOOHHHH, that is very scary! Thanks for letting us know!


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