ATTENTION: We will only review your product on our blog if we can- Eat it - Sleep on it - or Play with it. Thank you.

Monday, 31 August 2009

Mandog Monday

Show your dog's personality.

This was posted a few weeks ago on a pet forum we belong to. You had to post five pictures which you felt showed your dog's personality. We had so much fun putting the post together that we thought we would share it will you all.

Always Smiling
Killer of Stuffed Things
Well Read

Sunday, 30 August 2009

Easy, Like Sunday

When you're a gorgeous as Thomas, taking a nap can be difficult.

Do you mind? I'm trying to take it easy on my grass pile!

Darned pawparazzi!

Thomas O'Toole x

Saturday, 29 August 2009

Sleeping with the enemy

This is the closest Thomas and Charlie have been with out there being serious whappypaws! Toddler bean thought Thomas looked a bit chilly so covered him in with a blankie.

Our mum bean would like to apologise for not visiting as many of our Furiends blogs as usual. She's toilet training the toddler bean at the moment (we don't know why toddler bean just cannot use a tray, like all civilised animals).

Friday, 28 August 2009

Friday Night Movie!

Starring me, Lola Fannola and a length of cord. Enjoy!

For those worried about Charlie in the tree, mum bean rescued him. Although sometimes she wonders why see bothered as he's being a right scallywag lately!

Lola Fannola x

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Newsy Thursday!

Yesterday our furiends over at The Kitty Krew Blog gave us the Oops I Ate It Award. Thank you guys!

The rules for this award are:

"When accepting this award you must blog about the food you have stolen when your humans weren't watching. If you have never stolen any food, you must be a very good pup or kitty. You can accept this yummy tray of cookies as your reward!!! Next add the logo of this award to your blog (optional), then nominate at least 5 other furry blogs and let them know by leaving them a message on their blogs."

Well, personally we think that this award has come to the right place! There is nothing that we love more then liberating food from the shackles of human cravings. After all if they didn't have us to provide this important service then their diets would never work.

Food we have stolen lately:

Thomas O'Toole is guilty of stealing the chicken out of mum bean's sandwich. Thomas is so skilled at this particular act of food liberation, that he can do it without disturbing the bread.

Charlie O'Marley is guilty of attempting to lick the chocolate off of a biscuit that was left unattended in the kitchen. However Charlie was caught in the act as yesterday's Wordless Wednesday post proves.

Lola Fannola is guilty of of stealing take away pizza that toddler bean had left unattended. Her skills and synchronised noming and growling made sure that she was not challenged in anyway.


The true king of food stuff liberation is Shen. So skilled is he in this necessary task that he can nom whole things without having to chew!

As we're relatively new to blogging and don't know many bloggers well, we will pass this award onto the first five cats/beans to comment to say they haven't received this award yet.

***We have been LOL'D! We feel so honoured! Please remember to pop along to Wendy's LOL Spot and don't forget to comment***

And as a special treat a photo of Charlie getting stuck in a tree!

Thomas O'Toole, Charlie O'Marley, Lola Fannola and Shen x

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Wordless Wednesday (almost)

No mum, I'm not on the kitchen side. You must be seeing things! Oh and those are not crumbs on my face!

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

We're Awesome - Tuesday

We were tagged by our furiends over at The Island Cats to play an awesome game. We have to give 7 reasons why we're awesome. We think that should be easy peasy, however mum bean says that she cannot thing of any reasons why we're awesome at the moment after Lola chased a huge spider towards her, Thomas ate her chicken sandwich and Charlie knocked over a stack of CD's.

Well it's a good job that mum bean isn't the one who has to come up with the reasons we're awesome.

First Thomas

1. I am awesome because I help mum bean in the garden.

2. I am mum bean's first proper only hers cat

Now Charlie

3. I am awesome because I am super cute!

4. And I help mum bean on the laptop

Now Lola

5. I am awesome because I am mum bean's little princess

6. And I am good at hiding and looking pretty in the grass


7. We are awesome because we give the best loves in the world. When we're in the mood of course!

Thomas O'Toole, Charlie O'Marley and Lola Fannola x

Monday, 24 August 2009

Mancat Monday and other things

Can I simply not have a bath in peace?

Thomas O'Toole x


When our mum bean was checking the e-mails, she doesn't do it often enough! She discovered a present sent to us by an anonymous donor. Here it is

Don't we look fab?

It's a great picture of us for the Nude Cats Calendar representing January. I think maybe we've had a bit too much nip in that picture! So now we can enter the competition, we didn't have much faith in our mum bean as she's not very good at creative things.

We have also been tagged in a game by The Island Cats. We have to tell 7 reasons why we are awesome, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.

Charlie O'Marley and Lola Fannola x

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Easy like Sunday

Charlie is not the only one that can trampoline!

Thomas O'Toole x

Saturday, 22 August 2009


I require a push!

Do you think it brings out the colour of my eyes?

Charlie O'Marley x

Friday, 21 August 2009

Friday Funny

It has been raining on and off all day today, so we haven't been able to get up to much that would be considered exciting or bloggable. So our mum bean suggested we post some of her favourite cat videos.

Mum says that the next video is very much like Thomas

Of course sometimes having a camera in your face 24/7 can become too much and then you have to give the pawparazzi what for!

Thanks for watching.

Thomas O'Toole, Charlie O'Marley and Lola Fannola xxx

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Thoughtful Thursday

"With their qualities of cleanliness, discretion, affection, patience, dignity, and courage, how many of us, I ask you, would be capable of becoming cats?"

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Trampoline Tuesday!

Being 'Chief Safety Officer' of the garden I just had to check out the trampoline to make sure things are as they should be.

Everything looks to be fine, but you just can't be too careful.

Charlie O'Marley x

Monday, 17 August 2009

Mandog Monday

Who's that handsome doggy?

Hello! Today I went to the groomers. I love it when I go to the groomers as there are lots of whiffy sniffy smells to sniff at and other dogs to meet. Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that the groomer owns a rather pretty black labrador ladydog called Sophie.

Of course now that I have had my fur washed I simply cannot do anything with it. I am looking rather pouffey around my back end and tail. I look like a big black beaver, I do hope the other dogs in the neighbourhood don't laugh at me. Mum says I look so handsome that I'll be a hit with all the ladydogs

I smell all lovely and beautified now, so when I got home the first thing I did was have a good roll in the grass. Then I chewed on a pig's ear for a bit, mmm tasty

Nom, nom nom

Mmm yum!

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Easy Like Sunday

Sorry we didn't post anything yesterday, but our mum bean and the beanettes deserted us. Instead of spending their time playing, pampering and seeing to our every whim they decided to go out to a wildlife park.

If the beans want to watch wildlife they should go in the garden or just switch on the tv!

Anyway the sun is shining the breeze blowing and the flutterbys fluttering by. So we're spending our Sunday in the garden.

Friday, 14 August 2009

Fabulously Famous Feline Friday

Finally someone has recognised my unutterable talent and good looks! Today I was featured in Cat World Magazine UK as winner of their Funny Felines feature.

Of course my mum had to go out and almost clear the shelves of our local WHSmiths. She's been telling everyone she knows and even a few strangers about my new found fame. Talk about living vicariously!

Look! I have even made the top right corner of the cover!

Please form an orderly queue for pawtographs!

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Thoughful Thursday

Lola's Story...

This is the story about how we came to acquire Lola. She wasn't a rescue as such, more of an accidental happening upon.

Charlie O'Marley came to our home from a friend of my mother. Her cat had had a litter of kittens as black as the night and it was decided that we would offer a kitten a forever home and he would be my 30th birthday treat. After all what does a girl need more on her 30th birthday then a kitten?

About two weeks after Charlie had come to live with us we were looking through the item recycling site better known as Freecycle, when we happened upon an ad for a 9 week old grey kitten. We discussed the matter and deciding that we probably didn't have a chance we fired off an e-mail.

Imagine our surprise when we received one back saying we could have the kitten if we were still interested and they would drop them off the next day.
When Lola came to us she was a pitiful thing. She had ticks on her ears and intestinal worms and her demeanour could only be described as feral. I quick trip to the vets sorted out the ticks and worms and with lots of patience and love she has blossomed into a very beautiful and extremely loving pussy cat.


We would just like to send a few wishes to our kitty and bean friends we have made in our short time blogging.

To Bugsy, puurrs and positive healing thoughts on their way to you. Get better really soon!

To Jasmim, puurrs and positive vibes on their way to you. Get better really soon!

To Charlie Cat's family, We're so sorry we never got to 'meet' Charlie Cat. Our thoughts, prayers and puurrs are with you at this most difficult time


Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Totally Tuckered Out Tuesday

Since our mysterious trip to the vets (the one where I came back missing two vital parts of my anatomy) myself and Lola have been allowed out to play in the garden during the nice weather.

So we have been passing the time chasing flutterbys, flies and digging the occasional hole. All that action has left me totally tuckered out and I needed to grab a quick cat nap on my mum.

All warm and comfy

Special thanks to daddy who took the photos, he's not very good with the flashy thing, but he tries hard.


To all those worried about Thomas and his limp, his leg is completely back to normal. Mum things he may have jarred it by jumping down from the top of the wardrobe (he likes to sleep up there because myself and Lola can't get up there). So he is spared a trip to the vet for now, it looks like all the puurrs worked! Should he start limping again however mum said she will have him to the vets quicker then he can say 'meow'.

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