Yesterday Thomas O'Toole received this award from
Loki the cat, Thank you.
Here are the rules to this award.
1. Copy and paste the Kreativ Blogger picture onto your blog.
2. Thank the person who gave you the award and post a link to their blog.
3. Write 7 things about yourself we do not know.
4. Choose 7 other bloggers to award.
5. Links to those 7 other bloggers.
6. Notify your 7 bloggers.
So here we go, 7 thinks you don't know about me, Thomas.
1. I was the first pet mum and dad got together. Mum already had Shen the dog and the parrots when she met dad
2. Mum and dad bought me from a pet shop before they really new any better. They chose me and not the little sliver tabby because I was the most feisty out of the two of us. They thought I would cope with the attentions of and over exuberant Labrador better. The lady at the pet shop lied, she said I was 8 weeks old, but the vet thought closer to 4-6 weeks. I came home with fleas and worms
3. Mum wanted to call me Slinky Malinki or Shadow, but dad put his foot down and said I was going to be a Thomas. My first collar was a green one which mum thought made me look Irish, so I got the second name O'Toole
4. I have three other families that I live with. Arthur's in the house across the road, the house next door on the left where Ringo the ginger Tom lives and another house at the end of the road. Mum doesn't mid sharing me as she knows there is very little she can do to stop me visiting them. They all know mummy owns me and where very helpful when I went missing.
5. My most favourite friend in the whole world is Shen our black Labrador and my big brother. I will always greet him first whenever I come into a room and I have been known to sleep in his bed with him. To think mum and dad thought Shen would either eat me or squash me because I was so tiny as a kitten.
6. I went through a phase of only exiting the out through the upstairs bathroom window. I would climb out and then run down the side of the house to get to the bottom. It used to worry mum endlessly. I have now thankfully stopped doing that now we have a cat flap in the back door.
7. I am not a cuddly cat. In fact no one in the family is permitted to stroke, touch or pick me up as I will scratch and bite. sometimes I will even attack mum and dad for no reason, other then I can. The only time I allowed any kind of affection was when I came home after being missing for 5 days. I have since returned to normal and will not tolerate any interaction, unless it's the feeding or treat giving kind. Mum and dad accept this as being me and they wouldn't change me for the world.
So many of our friends have received this award recently so I am going to break the rules and say anyone that would like this award, please feel free to help yourselves!
Thomas O'Toole