ATTENTION: We will only review your product on our blog if we can- Eat it - Sleep on it - or Play with it. Thank you.

Monday, 28 February 2011

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Not So Easy Sunday

Today is not an Easy Sunday.

Today I am keeping an eye, no, I am keeping two eyes on The Mum. Just in case she has any plans of pulling a stunt like she did on Wednesday. You just can't be too careful.

Charlie O'Marley x

P.S. Unfortunately The Mum suffered a missed miscarriage. This was due to a Blighted Ovum Pregnancy were the egg fertilises but no baby develops. Both The Mum and The Dad had come to terms with there being no baby and knew that the miscarriage would eventually happen, but they did not expect to happen in quite such a frightening manner. But rest assured after an overnight stay in hospital, The Mum has been declared fit and well.

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Stupid Mum Saturday

Wednesday afternoon The Mum started losing a lot of her red stuffs, which is pretty careless if you ask us. Not only did she manage to misplace her red stuffs, she managed to misplace so much that she had to go in a People Transportation Unit complete with flashy lights and noise makers to see the human v-e-t, taking The Dad with her. A lot of fuss about nothing!

Of course The Mum managed to orchestrate all this before she had the decency to feed us our lunch. We were left abandoned and hungry for eleventy billion hours, our lack of opposable thumbs preventing us from using the telephone to call the RSPCA for help. After what must have been a week and a day The Dad came back home and he had only gone and forgotten to bring The Mum back with him!

The Dad attempted to feed us but did so in a manner that we're not accustomed to. So, to show our continuing displeasure at our, quite frankly, dismal treatment it was decided that we should collectively vomit upon the floor.

Eventually after three months and a year, The Mum came back. As according to ancient cat law we proceeded to ignore her very existence for a suitable amount of time in relation to the wrongs that we have suffered, or until our tummies rumbled, which ever came soonest.

But The Mum is now back and we hope that normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.

This is going on your Annual Purr-Fur-Mance Review 2011, you know that, right?

Thomas O'Toole, Charlie O'Marley and Lola Fannola x

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Choresday Tuesday - Do Not Want!

Today I am helping The Mum sort the recycling. You can tell by this picture just how 'happy' I am to help out with the household cores.

Mum, you eat a lot of bad stuffs!

Mum, wouldn't this be quicker if I just melted them with my lasers?

Lola Fannola x

Monday, 21 February 2011

Morose Mancat Monday

Rain, rain, go away! Don't come again another day!

Charlie O'Marley x

Friday, 18 February 2011

Annual Purr-Fur-Mance Review 2010

So, it's that time again. Time for The Mum's Annual Purr-Fur-Mance Review. We know, we're not that hopeful either.

Lets just remind ourselves exactly how The Mum did in last year's review.

"An overall rating of Medium, Two Paws has been achieved. However we do believe that there is more then a little room for improvement and more treats, yes, more treats!"

Oh dear, suddenly we have a deep sense of foreboding. Anyway, on with this review.

Quantity of Output:

Well, what can we say really. We have noticed that there seems to be a regular cycle of inactivity. This seems to coincide with new game requests received via Facebook. There have been the usual excuses, siting 'illness' and being 'busy'. Again feeble and lack luster excuses dredged up time and time again when she is guilty of nothing less then being extremely lazy and lacking in creative thinking. What do we pay you for woman? Oh, that's right, we don't actually pay you. But if we did, we wouldn't. YOU'RE FIRED!

However it is at this point our legal council has reminded us to point out there there has been on some occasions, those occasions being exceedingly rare, flurries of activity and creative posting on our blog.

Rating: Medium - One Paw and One Squat. After much deliberation and under duress (read: threats of food privileges being removed), it was decided that a compromise of one paw and one squat should be delivered. Again, much room for improvement whilst we look through this rather convenient stack of Resumes

Quality of Output:

Again as per the last review, the quality of posting has far outweighed the quantity in several key areas. The 'Twelve Days Til Christmas' run of posting was sheer genius (on our part) and we particularly like the recent 'Suspicious Saturday - Whodunnit?' series. Of course detailing only the best of our works of improvement and redecoration.

The Mum's photographical skills have vastly improved since the last review, resulting in clearer and far more flattering images, even though one or two of the more questionable images seem to have slipped through the net.

Rating: High - Four Paws

Client Pawticipation:

Again there are many electronic and magic ways in which to contact us. either via e-mail, our personal Facebook page or even through our very own Fan Page, again accessible through Facebook. However, the checking of e-mail and the updating of said pages is still a hit and miss affair. But we now have our very own Twitter Account to which our blog automatically posts to.

Rating: Medium - Two Paws.

Pawticipation (Part II):

The Mum has made a real effort this year to make sure that we're included in all the fun stuff and fund raising going on throughout the Cat Blogosphere. We have managed to enter several competitions (even some doggie hosted ones) and we were even able to bid on a few of the fund raising auctions. However, it has come to our attention that should The Mum pay more attention to stuff that is going on and not simply forget about scheduled events, then we would be able to pawticipate more.

Rating: Medium - Two Paws.

Client Satisfaction:

Again we average around 25 comments per post. More popular posts being our Christmas series of 'Twelve Days Til Christmas'. we also get a smattering of comments and 'likes' on Facebook and maybe one or two re-tweets. still we believe that this could be vastly improved if The Mum would just get off Pseudo Farming sites and instead visit and link up with our friends.

Rating: Medium - Two Paws. Last year we awarded Four Paws, but we feel that this time such a rating would be far too generous.

Overall Rating: Medium - Two Paws

An overall rating of Two Paws is disappointing as this shows little or no improvement since last year's review. Perhaps we did not make our position clear enough in 2009. The Mum is really going to have to pull her socks up and knuckle down if there is ever going to be a measured change in her performance.

In the meantime, do you guys know of any good typists? Cat lover a must!

Thomas O'Toole, Charlie O'Marley and Lola Fannola x

Thursday, 17 February 2011

She'd Better Be Thankful, Thursday

So, what do you get the Mum that has everything? Gift giving can be a veritable mine field, so you have to choose really carefully before hand to be sure that your gift will be excepted and appreciated in the correct manner befitting your generosity.

Anyway. The mum is still not feeling to well, so we decided that a gift was in order to make her feel better and more importantly, guilt trip her into posting something of merit on our sorely neglected blog.

After much deliberation we went for the 'Dead Meece' a true classic amongst the gift giving feline. Some may feel the the 'Deed Meece' is a predictable gift to give and shows a lack of flair or indeed imagination at the point of gift selecting. Why go for a 'Dead Meece' when a 'Dead Burd' says it so much better? We feel that this is rather a mute point, as us felines are busy socialites and have far more pressing matters to attend to then the selection and hunting of gifts. We operate a very much smash and grab system of gift giving.

So, lets look at our selection, detailed in the picture above. Note, if you will, the long scaly and in some cases slightly hairy tail, you don't get that with a 'Dead Burd'. Also note the matted wet styling of the furs, you can tell that this gift has been left in the rain for a day or so before the presentation. This shows a worthy amount of care and attention to detail. What more could one want then a 'Dead Meece'?

We're all give, give, give, that's our trouble.

Thomas O'Toole, Charlie O'Marley and Lola Fannola x

Monday, 14 February 2011

Happy Valentines Day - Alfie Be Mine!

Happy Valentines day to all of our friends, furred, feathered or otherwise!

Today I am off on a Romantic Get-A-Away with my Valentine, Alfie Marshall Over at The Cat's Meow


Lola Fannola x

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Suspicious Saturday - Whodunnit?


And will The Mum ever learn to put the rubbish out before going to bed?

Thomas O'Toole, Charlie O'Marley and Lola Fannola x

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Thankful Thursday - Camera

I'd be thankful if you'd get that camera out of my face!

Thomas O'Toole x

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Tell-Tale Toysday Tuesday

Somecat, we don't know who *cough*Charlie*cough* broke the Santa Fishing Rod Toy we got for Christmas!

Thomas O'Toole, Charlie O'Marley and Lola Fannola x

P.S. We would like to apologise for the lack of posting or visiting. This is because The Mum has been 'unwell'. Not too 'unwell' for Facebook apparently.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Tell-Tale Tuesday - Who did it!

Today, I am here to tell you all, the truth about this...

It was Charlie O'Marley (you'll notice his name in the tags for that post) that broke the figurine and just not any figurine, but one of The Mum's most favourite figurines that non of us are allowed to get near, or else.

Of course it had nothing to do with me telling him to get up on the forbidden windowsil for a dare.

Needless to say that Charlie is currently in the bad books.

Hee, hee hee.

Lola Fannola x

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