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Monday, 23 May 2011

Monochrome Mancat Monday

We've been experiencing some issues with Blogger lately, ever since it crashed. For a while we couldn't even get into our Dashboard, post or comment. So we apologise for the lack of activity.

Meanwhile, since I've had a lot of time to spare I have spent it checking all the windows for introoders. Shh! did you hear that? Probably nothing, working too hard. Better have a nap, hard work never hurt anyone, but you can't be too careful.

Charlie O'Marley x


  1. Glad you are back! And hope Mister Blogger Man lets you post on Blogger from now on.

    xoxo Lars and James

  2. About the blogger, Thanks COD ! It's back to normal.
    I think you are smart to do nap : )

  3. We're on WordPress but we are having problems with our internet connection. It's a bummer.

  4. We hope Blogger is sorted out for everyone now!

    You're doing an excellent job of introoder patrol!

  5. You have to make sure you always take breaks from looking at Windows. 5 minutes staring out there then at least one hours snooze before repeating :)xx

  6. Keeping an eye out for introoders is hard work!!

  7. It's good to know you've been staying alert!! But now that it's working again..time for some serious blogging!!

    Do check out our new blog if you have the time, we're a cat+human duo from Hong Kong

  8. It is important to keep an eye out for intruders...

  9. We hope you don't work too hard watching for intruders.

  10. Naughty Blogger is still acting up? That's not fair!
    If you need some help we could do some stand-in napping for you...

  11. Blogger is being a pain lately andd I hope it sorts out. I love that silouette Hugs GJ xx

  12. You are keeping a good watch for introoders

  13. wow you have been going through more problems with Blogger? We are thankful that we only experienced the crash then all returned to normal! Hope things ease up for you!

  14. Goodness, I hope that blogger stops being difficult for you. You could log a trouble ticket. Might not go anywhere, but who knows.



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